6 Zesty Citrus Juice Recipes

citrus-juiceCitrus fruits are considered acid fruits which have a strong detoxifying effect. They are easy to juice with whether done manually or through a juicer, and are a great way to start if you are new to juicing. Here are some extremely easy citrus juice recipes with fruit combinations which work great as a breakfast juice. If you would like to add vegetables to your citrus juice (which is highly recommended) carrot and sweet potato works well with grapefruit and all types of oranges.
1) Lemon Lime Juice
Classic citrus.

  • 1 lime
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 apples

2) Sweet Potato Orange Juice
Juicing sweet potatoes may not be be the first thing that comes to mind, but they really are a great addition to a citrus juice. Give it a try!

  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 1 large carrot
  • 2 large peeled oranges


3) Blood Orange Juice
Zesty citrus juice for blood orange lovers.

  • 2 peeled blood oranges
  • 1 apple
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 ” fresh ginger (optionally)

4) Grapefruit Orange Juice
For grapefruit lovers.

  • 1 peeled grapefruit
  • 2 peeled oranges


5) Orange Lemon Juice
Super citrus boost.

  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lemon

6) Grapefruit Ginger Juice
Basic grapefruit juice.

  • 1 peeled grapefruit
  • 1 peeled orange
  • 1 carrot
  • 1″ fresh ginger


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